These textures have been generated from the original source-material of the trees by GIANTS Software. This new system required a complete re-do of the texture format for the trees. Leafs grow slowly in spring and fall off in winter. These new shaders transform the visuals of the trees gradually throughout the year. Seasons 19 brings a new tree texturing system, made in collaboration with GIANTS Software: custom shaders. The settings for this can be found in latitudeSeason.xml in the mod data folder. For example, a hot spring could cause summer textures to show earlier, and a cold summer could cause autumn textures to show earlier. These two do not match exactly but depend on the latitude and weather. Note: Whenever we talk here about a ‘season’, it in reality is the ‘visual season’. Using the visuals system is the most complex of all the moddability of Seasons. This requires good knowledge of the i3d system. Learn how to replace your custom foliage textures in different seasons and how to replace textures for any object on your map depending on the season. Warning: This document has been updated for console support.